Welcome to Exelentis


Dental Tourism in Tirana, Albania:
Save Up To 24,000€

A Family Tradition of Dental Surgeons
At your service

By Your Side on Every Step
Personal Smile Assistant

Dental Tourism in Tirana, Albania:
Save Up To 24,000€

An elite of dental surgeons
At your service

By Your Side on Every Step
Personal Smile Assistant

Save up to €24,000
by choosing
Dental Tourism!

Flight, Accommodation, Transport, & Personalized Assistance
All FREE of Charge

At Excelentis, we’re all about making your experience memorable.
That is why we facilitate our guests to the point where they only have to pay for the dental expenses.

Dental Implants


Dental Implants


Dental Implants


Dental Implants


Flight, Accommodation, Transport, & Personalized Assistance
All FREE of Charge

Dental Implants



Dental Implants



Dental Implants



Dental Implants



Same Premium Quality of EU Countries
Up to 70% cheaper

At Excelentis, we’re all about making your experience memorable.
That is why we facilitate our guests to the point where they only have to pay for the dental expenses, which already are 70% cheaper than in other EU countries.

Same Premium Quality of EU Countries
Up to 70% cheaper

Dental Implants


Aesthetic Dentistry

Aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry enhances gums, mouth shape, and smile quality.

Gummy Smile
Professional whitening
Aesthetic treatments
Dental Implants

Surgery & Implants

Surgery and Implants

A team of elite surgeons analyzes the case in detail, preparing a personalized treatment plan.

Extraction and exposure of impacted teeth
Extraction of wisdom teeth
Dental Implants
All-on-4, 6, 8
Immediate Loading Implants
Post-Extraction Implants
Maxillary sinus elevations
Increase in bone
Removal of cysts, tumors, fibroma
Periodontal interventions
Aesthetic Interventions
Dental Implants


Dental Prosthesis

A team of renowned Prosthodontists, specialized in giving your mouth maximum aesthetics and functionality.

Ceramic, Zirconia, Emax
Fixed, hybrid, removable
Inlays and Onlays
Dental Implants

Surgery & Implantology

Dental Surgery and Implants

A team of elite surgeons analyzes the case in detail, preparing a personalized treatment plan for each guest.

Dental Implants


Aesthetic Dentistry

Aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry goes beyond enhancing teeth; it also enhances gums, mouth shape, and smile quality. It improves the functionality of teeth, addressing factors like bite form and force.

Dental Implants


Orthodontic Treatments

Orthodontics involves aligning improperly positioned teeth, correcting jaws and occlusion, and may include enhancing facial aesthetics by harmonizing the face with the teeth and jaws.

Dental Implants


Dental Prosthesis

A team of renowned Prosthodontists, specialized in giving our guests maximum aesthetics and functionality.

A Family of Dental Surgeons, At Your Service
Two Generations of Excellence

Great Location
Tirana is the capital of Albania and the most strategic as it is located in the center of Albania.
Award Winning
All the surgeons and orthodontists are award winning professionals.
Caring Team
A team that will make your dental procedures painless and your stay memorable.
1st Class Service
"Excelentis is not a procedure, but an unforgettable VIP dental tourism experience.
Cutting-Edge Clinics
An environment of cutting-edge dental technology and world-class professionalism, that makes you feel right at home.
All Inclusive
The only thing we cannot do for you are the luggage.

Kevin Mboqe DDS, DDM

Specializations: Oral Surgery, Implantology, Orthodontology,

Languages: Italian, English, Spanish, Albanian

Alessio Osmani DDS, DDM

Specializations: Stomatology, Oral Surgery

Languages: Italian, English, Spanish, Albanian

Arnold Mboqe DDS, DDM, MSc.

Specializations: Oral Surgery, Implantology, Orthodontology, Parodontology

Languages : Italian, English, French, Spanish. Albanian

Vladimir Mboqe DDS, DDM.

Specializations: Stomatology, Oral Surgery, Implantology, Orthodontology, Parodontology

Languages: Italian, English, Albanian.

Klaudia Mboqe DDM

Specializations: Oral Surgery, Implantology, Parodontology

Languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish. Albanian

Evisa Rifa MSc.

Assistente Dentaria

Languages: Italian, English. Albanian

Arnold Mboqe DDS, DDM, MSc.

Specializations: Oral Surgery, Implantology, Orthodontology, Parodontology

Languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish, Albanian

Alessio Osmani DDS, DDM

Specializations: Stomatology, Oral Surgery

Languages: Albanian, Italian, English, Spanish

Vladimir Mboqe DDS, DDM.

Specializations: Stomatology, Oral Surgery, Implantology, Orthodontology, Parodontology

Languages: Italian, English, Albanian.

Kevin Mboqe DDS, DDM

Specializations: Oral Surgery, Implantology, Orthodontology,

Languages: Italian, English, Spanish, Albanian

Klaudia Mboqe DDM

Specializations: Oral Surgery, Implantology, Parodontology

Languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish. Albanian

Evisa Rifa MSc.

Assistente Dentaria

Languages: Italian, English. Albanian

How does it work ?

Here is what to expect from your journey with Excelentis

Embarking on a dental vacation in Albania might feel overwhelming, but with Excelentis by your side, every step becomes a delightful experience.
Dive into your personalized Dental Vacation, crafted just for you.

Before You Arrive

Easy Registration

Personalized Consultation

Start by filling out our simple registration form.
We will then call you free of charge to have a talk and provide you with more detailed info.

Our experts will provide advice and insights tailored specifically for you.


Planning the Dental Vacation

Arranged Transportation & Accommodation

Let us deal with travel and accommodation while you enjoy the vacation.

Flights, accommodation, transportation – consider them arranged.

Every detail is meticulously planned to align with your schedule and comfort.

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Upon Arrival in Tirana

A Warm Welcome

* Smile Assistant 🤩

Landing at TIA airport, you’ll spot a friendly face.

Say hello to your dedicated Smile Assistant !

This friendly expert will be your personal guide, confidante, and helper throughout your journey, paired with the Excelentis shuttle to escort you in style.



Get Comfortable

This trip is as much about relaxation as it is about dental excellence.
Experience firsthand the Albanian hospitality that everyone talks about.

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The Dental Treatment


World-Class Dental Care

Experience our prestigious partner clinics.

Every clinic we partner with is meticulously vetted by Excelentis.

You’ll step into an environment of cutting-edge dental technology and world-class professionalism, that makes you feel right at home.



Accredited Dental Experts

Undergo top-tier dental treatments.

Our renowned dentists are accredited experts in their field.

With Excelentis, you’re not just getting a treatment; you’re experiencing dental artistry from a handpicked elite that takes pride in your smile.

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Your Vacations

The Beauty Beyond

Immerse yourself in the allure of Tirana.

Blending relaxation with exploration.

 While we focus on perfecting your smile, Tirana stands ready to exceed expectations.

From its rich history to its vibrant culture, lean on your Smile Assistant for insider tips, ensuring a genuine experience of our magnificent city.


Smile Assistants

Coordinating Appointments

By your side on every step.

Your Smile Assistant keeps tabs, coordinating appointments and ensuring you’re at ease at every turn.

They will accompany you on every step of the process, ensuring a hassle-free transfer between your hotel and the clinic.

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Returning Home

Flight Back

Ending on a high note

Excorted by Excelentis shuttle

From smooth checkouts to last-minute arrangements, your Smile Assistant has everything in hand, including your trip back to the airport.

And remember, Tirana and Excelentis eagerly await your return.


Ongoing Support

Always Here for You

 Our commitment to you continues. From post-treatment guidance to regular check-ups or just a chat, Excelentis is here for you.

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How does it work ?

Here is what to expect from your journey with Excelentis

Embarking on a dental vacation abroad might feel overwhelming, but with Excelentis by your side, every step becomes a delightful experience.
Dive into your personalized Dental Vacation, crafted just for you.

Before You Arrive

Easy Registration

Personalized Consultation

Start by filling out our simple registration form.
We will then call you free of charge to have a talk and provide you with more detailed info.

Our experts will provide advice and insights tailored specifically for you.


Planning the Dental Vacation

Arranged Transportation & Accommodation

Let us deal with travel and accommodation while you enjoy the vacation.

Flights, accommodation, transportation – consider them arranged.

Every detail is meticulously planned to align with your schedule and comfort.

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Upon Arrival in Tirana

A Warm Welcome

* Smile Assistant 🤩

Landing at TIA airport, you’ll spot a friendly face.

Say hello to your dedicated Smile Assistant !

This friendly expert will be your personal guide, confidante, and helper throughout your journey, paired with the Excelentis shuttle to escort you in style.



Get Comfortable

This trip is as much about relaxation as it is about dental excellence.
Experience firsthand the Albanian hospitality that everyone talks about.

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The Dental Treatment


World-Class Dental Care

Experience our prestigious partner clinics.

Every clinic we partner with is meticulously vetted by Excelentis.

You’ll step into an environment of cutting-edge dental technology and world-class professionalism, that makes you feel right at home.



Accredited Dental Experts

Undergo top-tier dental treatments.

Our renowned dentists are accredited experts in their field.

With Excelentis, you’re not just getting a treatment; you’re experiencing dental artistry from a handpicked elite that takes pride in your smile.

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Your Vacations

The Beauty Beyond

Immerse yourself in the allure of Tirana.

Blending relaxation with exploration.

 While we focus on perfecting your smile, Tirana stands ready to exceed expectations.

From its rich history to its vibrant culture, lean on your Smile Assistant for insider tips, ensuring a genuine experience of our magnificent city.


Smile Assistants

Coordinating Appointments

By your side on every step.

Your Smile Assistant keeps tabs, coordinating appointments and ensuring you’re at ease at every turn.

They will accompany you on every step of the process, ensuring a hassle-free transfer between your hotel and the clinic.

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Returning Home

Flight Back

Ending on a high note

Excorted by Excelentis shuttle

From smooth checkouts to last-minute arrangements, your Smile Assistant has everything in hand, including your trip back to the airport.

And remember, Tirana and Excelentis eagerly await your return.


Ongoing Support

Always Here for You

 Our commitment to you continues. From post-treatment guidance to regular check-ups or just a chat, Excelentis is here for you.

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Sign Up to get a
Free Quote

It is well known today that Tirana has become a main dental tourism destination the past 10 years. Besides its charm and attractiveness, Tirana has developed to a World-Class level in dental care and is known for it's cutting-edge dental technology, making it a hub of dental tourism in Europe.
Shuttle Services
Smile Assistant
Dental Treatment

Get a Free Quote

Even Though
Smiles Speak Louder

Read what our previous guests have to say about their transformative experiences at exelentis.
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Even Though Smiles Speak Louder

Read what our previous guests have to say about their transformative experiences at exelentis.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Every Dental Consultation that Excelentis provides is Free & Completely Personalized since every guest has different needs.
But here are some of the most frequently asked questions that our doctors get.

Why should I choose dental care in Albania?

This answer is easy – cost and quality.

A dental implant in the EU Countries can cost up to €3,000 ($4,000 in the USA), but with Excelentis, you will pay only 600-750€ for a Premium implant with 10 years to a lifetime warranty.

Crowns, bridges, and veneers are also much less expensive. For example, an all-ceramic crown and porcelain veneer can cost just 250€ each.

Again, you can expect to pay at least 60-70% more in EU countries.
We offer initial quotes by email so the more information you give us the better the quote.

With Excelentis all X-rays, consultations, and examinations are Free!

Most complex treatments can be completed in 2 to 3 months depending on healing time, and of course, our materials are of the highest quality.

Our handpicked surgeons have installed thousands of dental implants, crowns, bridges, and veneers since the beginning of their careers.

How do I know the materials are good quality?

Excelentis partner clinics use only the best quality CE-certified products and before you arrive we will let you know what products we will be using.

After the treatment, every patient receives all the certificates of quality for the products used in the treatments, signed by the laboratory and our doctor.

Will I get an experienced dentist ?

Yes, at Exelentis our premier dentists and specialists in oral surgery and implantology have been working with Italian, German, UK, Greek, Swiss, Belgian, and French patients since 2007 and treat all our foreign guests. They have performed over 3.000 dental implants with a 100% success rate so far.

How much does it cost for travel, accommodations and transportations?

Even with expenses for accommodation and travel your savings choosing Excelentis will still be good, around 60-70%.

We have arrangements with excellent local hotels.
Most costs are around 40-50€ for a night in an apartment in the center of the city.

Transportation to and from Tirana airport and from the apartment to the clinic is FREE and a Smile Assistant will accompany you during every transfer with an Excelentis Shuttle.

My doctor recommended a different treatment plan from the one you suggested. How do I know which is the right one?
Any dental problem can really be solved in a number of ways. Therefore, it is not impossible for both treatment options to be acceptable from a professional point of view. It is the patient’s right and obligation to ask anything he/she wants to know before accepting a particular treatment. It is our task to give you as precise and reliable information as possible.

This all sounds good, but I’m still not sure about the cost of dental care abroad?

Choosing Excelentis means there are no hidden costs.

For example, the quote for the dental implants is fixed as the cost of the crowns, bridges, fillings, extractions, etc.

We are very clear and transparent about what treatments we are providing, the products we are using, how long will it take, how many visits, and over what period of time.

The consultations with us and all X-rays are also Free.

Can I Always Have A Bridge To Replace Missing Teeth?

Yes, if you have enough strong teeth with good bone support and the distance between the core teeth is not too long.
Your dentist will help you decide the best way of replacing the teeth within your budget.

Why Should I Replace Missing Teeth?

Your appearance is one reason.
Another is that the gap left by a missing tooth can mean greater strain on the teeth on either side.
A gap can also mean your ‘bite’ is affected because the teeth next to the space can lean into the gap and alter the way the upper and lower teeth bite together. This can then lead to food getting packed into the gap, which causes both decay and gum disease.

Do I Need An Implant For Each Missing Tooth?

No, unless you’re only having a single tooth replaced.
Normally, five or six implants are used to replace all the teeth in one jaw, as each implant can usually support two teeth.
For a few missing teeth, two or three implants may be used.

Can I Take The Teeth Out If They Are Fixed To Implants?

Most artificial teeth attached to implants can only be placed and removed by the dentist.
However, if you have complete dentures fixed to the implants by bars, then you’ll be able to take them out for cleaning.

How Will My Teeth Look Like With Veneers?

Veneers provide excellent aesthetics because the lab can actually incorporate characteristics such as greater opacity and special stains and colors that allow an almost perfect match to your own tooth structure.

Does Your Clinic Offer General Anesthesia?

Our parner clinics offer general anesthesia depending on the patient’s suitability and necessity.

What Are The Hygiene Rules In Your Partners Clinics?

Every surface in our clinic, including the dental chair, is decontaminated regularly.
Tools are sterilized for each patient.
All of our staff members regularly wash their hands and put on new gloves for each patient.
Additionally, our clinic implements every COVID-19 measure specified by the Ministry of Health and WHO.

Do You Offer Guarantee?

The implants we use are lifetime guaranteed by the implant brands. Every procedure that we perform is under satisfaction guaranteed.

Free Teeth Whitening & Tartar Cleaning
As a Gift for Your Partner

Many of the previous guests of Excelentis came accompanied by a partner or a friend.
Since our mission is to make EVERY GUEST get the full experience Excelentis has to offer, we thought of a gift for partners too; Teeth Whitening Completely Free of charge!

Teeth whitening is one of the quickest ways to improve your smile dramatically. We want to make sure both of you return home with a fresh smile and good memories.

Solo Guests 56%
Accompanied Guests 44%

Free Teeth Whitening & Tartar Cleaning
As a Gift for Your Partner

Many of the previous guests of Excelentis came accompanied by a partner or a friend.
Since our mission is to make EVERY GUEST get the full experience Excelentis has to offer, we thought of a gift for partners too; Teeth Whitening Completely Free of charge!

Teeth whitening is one of the quickest ways to improve your smile dramatically. We want to make sure both of you return home with a fresh smile and good memories.

Solo Guests 56%
Accompanied Guests 44%

Get A Free Quote

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Please upload a picture of your Dental Panoramic if you have one.

The only thing Excelentis cannot do for you
… is the luggage!

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2024  | Copyright by Excelentis.org. |  All rights reserved.

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