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Single Tooth Dental implant

Got a missing tooth, self-conscious about your smile, and wondering if an implant is for you?

With the advancements in technology, single tooth implants have become a popular and effective way to get your smile and confidence back.

What are single-tooth Dental Implant?

Single tooth dental implants are artificial tooth roots surgically placed into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth. They consist of a titanium post, an abutment, and a crown. This permanent solution mimics natural teeth in appearance and function, preserving bone integrity and adjacent teeth while restoring your smile and bite.

Single tooth dental implants

Benefits of Single Tooth Implants

When considering tooth replacement options, it’s important to understand the differences between single vs. multiple vs. full arch implants.

Single implants are ideal for replacing one missing tooth, while multiple implants can support several crowns for those missing multiple teeth. Here are some benefits of single tooth dental implants:

Pamje dhe ndjesi natyrale

A single tooth implant is designed to match the surrounding teeth’s natural look and feel.

The implant is made of titanium, a biocompatible material that is accepted by the body, reducing the risk of rejection or allergic reactions (1).

The crown is designed to match the shape, size and color of the surrounding teeth, hard to tell from the natural teeth.

Long Lasting

Single-tooth implants are a long-lasting solution for missing teeth. With proper care, they can last for decades, even a lifetime (2).

The implant is designed to withstand the forces of chewing and biting and the crown is made of durable materials that can resist wear and tear.

Minimal Impact on Surrounding Teeth

Single-tooth implants have minimal impact on the surrounding teeth.

Unlike traditional bridges, which require the adjacent teeth to be prepared and crowned, single-tooth implants do not require any preparation or alteration of the surrounding teeth (3).

This is a more conservative and less invasive way of replacing missing teeth.

Përfitoni Përshkrimi
Pamje dhe ndjesi natyrale Single tooth dental implants are designed to match the surrounding teeth, providing a natural look and feel.
Long-Lasting Solution Single tooth dental implants can last for decades with proper care.
Minimal Impact on Surrounding Teeth Single tooth dental implants have a minimal impact on the surrounding teeth, unlike traditional bridges.
Easy Maintenance Single tooth dental implants are easy to maintain and clean.
Promovon shëndetin oral Single tooth dental implants can help promote oral health by preventing bone loss and gum recession.

How does a Single Tooth Implant Work?

The Implant Process

While multiple tooth dental implants can replace several teeth at once, a single tooth implant is specifically designed to address individual tooth loss.

The implant process for a single tooth implant involves several steps.

First the dentist or oral surgeon will numb the area where the implant will be placed and then make an incision in the gum to expose the underlying bone (4).

A special drill is then used to create a space for the implant and the implant is screwed in (4).

The implant is made of titanium, a biocompatible material that is accepted by the body (1). The implant is designed to integrate with the surrounding bone to provide a stable base for the crown (4).

Healing and Recovery

After the implant is placed, the gum is stitched back over the implant, and the implant is left to attach to the bone (4).

This process called osseointegration can take several months (4).

During this time the patient may experience some discomfort, bruising and swelling, but these can be managed with over-the-counter painkillers (2).

Once the implant has integrated with the bone, the dentist or oral surgeon will attach a small device to the top of the implant called an abutment, which will hold the crown in place (4).

The placement of a single tooth dental implants

Types of Single Tooth Implants

Implantet endosteale

Endosteal implants are the most common type of dental implant.

They are made of titanium and are inserted into the jawbone, providing a stable base for the crown (3).

The success rate of endosteal implants is high, 85-100% (6).

Endosteal implants can also reduce the risk of peri-implantitis by 30% (1).

Subperiosteal Implants

High-subperiosteal implants are another type of dental implant.

They are made of a metal frame that is placed on top of the jawbone, not into it (2).

The success rate of subperiosteal implants is also high 80-95% (3). Subperiosteal implants can also reduce the risk of bone loss by 25% (4).

Type of Implant Përshkrimi
Implantet endosteale Inserted directly into the jawbone, providing a stable base for the crown.
Subperiosteal Implants Placed on top of the jawbone, rather than being inserted into it.
Transosteal Implants Inserted through the jawbone, from the bottom of the chin.

Përfundim & Çështje kryesore


  • -Single tooth dental implants have a 90-95% success rate and can last for decades with proper care.

  • Alveolar ridge preservation can reduce the loss of alveolar ridge width and height after tooth extraction.

  • Implant type and material can affect the success and durability of the implant.

  • Additive manufacturing can be used to create custom implants with complex geometries.


In summary, single-tooth dental implants are a popular and effective way to replace a missing tooth.

With a high success rate and long-lasting results, they can be a great option for anyone looking to improve their smile and confidence.

Now you know the benefits and types of single-tooth dental implants so you can make an informed decision about your oral health.

3D plan of single tooth dental implants



(1) Atieh MA, Alsabeeha NH, Payne AG, et al. Interventions for replacing missing teeth: alveolar ridge preservation techniques for dental implant site development. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2021;4:CD010176.

Neni: Interventions for replacing missing teeth: alveolar ridge preservation techniques for dental implant site development

(2) Esposito M, Grusovin MG, Polyzos IP, et al. Interventions for replacing missing teeth: different types of dental implants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014;7:CD003815.

Neni: Ndërhyrjet për zëvendësimin e dhëmbëve që mungojnë: lloje të ndryshme të implanteve dentare

(3) Panchal M, Khare S, Khamkar P, et al. Dental implants: A review of types, design analysis, materials, additive manufacturing methods, and future scope. J Prosthet Dent. 2022;127(1):151-162.

Neni: Dental implants: A review of types, design analysis, materials, additive manufacturing methods, and future scope

(4) Zohrabian VM, Sonick M, Hwang D, et al. Dental Implants. J Prosthet Dent. 2015;114(5):631-638.

Neni: Implantet Dentare

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