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Mini Implante Dentare

Mini dental implants have become a popular solution for tooth loss, but many are still unsure about their effectiveness and cost. If you’re considering mini implants, you’re probably wondering: Are they a reliable and affordable way to get your smile back?

What are mini implants?

Mini dental implants are a cost-effective solution for tooth loss, with a high success rate of 90% over 10 years. They are less invasive, require less bone density, and have a faster recovery time compared to traditional dental implants. Here are the key benefits:

Less invasive procedure

Faster recovery time

Cost-effective solution (€500-€1,500 per implant)

Përfitoni Përshkrimi Norma e suksesit Kostoja
Less Invasive Procedure Mini dental implants are a less invasive alternative to traditional dental implants. 90% €500-€1,500
Faster Recovery Time Mini dental implants offer a faster recovery time compared to traditional dental implants. 95.6% €500-€1,500
Cost-Effective Solution Mini dental implants are a cost-effective solution for tooth loss. 90% €500-€1,500
Shkalla e lartë e suksesit Mini dental implants have a high success rate of 90% over 10 years. 90% €500-€1,500
Improved Quality of Life Mini dental implants can improve the quality of life and oral function of patients with missing teeth. 90% €500-€1,500

Mini Dental Implants Benefits

Më pak invazive

Mini dental implants are a less invasive alternative to traditional implants.

They require a smaller incision and less bone density; they are more comfortable for the patient.

According to a study in the Journal of Oral Science, mini implants have a 90% success rate over 10 years (1)

Faster Recovery Time

Mini dental implants also have a faster recovery time than traditional implants.

The procedure is done in one visit and patients can recover in a few days.

A study in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry found that patients who got mini implants reported a significant improvement in their quality of life and oral function (2).

Cost-effective Solution

Mini dental implants are a cost-effective solution for tooth loss.

They are cheaper than traditional implants, with prices ranging from €500 to €1,500 per implant.

According to a study in the Journal of Dental Research, the cost-effectiveness of mini implants makes them more accessible to patients who couldn’t afford traditional implants (3).

Mini implante dentare

How do Mini Dental Implants Work?

The Process

The mini dental implant procedure involves 3 steps: preparation, implant and abutment, and crown (2).

The mini dental implant procedure is minimally invasive; only a small hole is drilled into the jawbone and can be done in one visit (3).

According to a study in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, the use of mini implants can reduce complications and improve patient results (4).

Mini Implants for Tooth Function

Mini dental implants are key to restoring tooth function and improving quality of life for patients with missing teeth.

A study in the Journal of Dental Research found that patients who got mini implants reported a significant improvement in their oral function and overall quality of life (5).

The implants anchor the dental prosthesis securely so you can chew and speak with confidence (6).

3D placement of mini dental implants

Who is a good candidate for Mini Dental Implants?

Ideal Patient

While traditional implants and pterygoid dental implants are often used in cases requiring significant bone support, mini dental implants are particularly beneficial for patients with good overall health and sufficient bone density

Mini dental implants are for patients who have lost one or more teeth due to tooth decay, gum disease, or injury.

According to a study in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, patients with good overall health and sufficient bone density are ideal candidates for mini implants (5).

Patients with a history of smoking or diabetes may not be suitable for mini implants as they are at higher risk of complications.


Mini dental implants are not for patients with certain medical conditions like osteoporosis, cancer or autoimmune disorders.

A study in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation found that patients with these conditions are at higher risk of implant failure or complications (6).

Patients who are taking bisphosphonates or steroids may not be suitable for mini implants as they are at higher risk of osteonecrosis.

A person with new dental implants

Mini Implants vs Traditional Implants

Main Differences

Mini dental implants and traditional implants have several differences.

One of the main differences is the size of the implant.

Mini implants are smaller in diameter than traditional implants, so they are better for patients with limited bone density (7).

Mini implants are also less invasive and require less healing time than traditional dental implants.

According to a study in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, mini implants have a 95.6% success rate over 5–10 years, which is similar to traditional implants (3).

Which one is right for you?

Choosing between mini implants and traditional dental implants depends on several factors: bone density, location of the missing tooth, and overall health.

Mini implants are good for patients with limited bone density or who want a less invasive procedure.

Traditional implants are better for patients with sufficient bone density who want a more permanent solution.

According to a study in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, the choice between mini implants and traditional implants should be based on the individual patient’s needs and preferences (5).

Mini implante dentare

Përfundim & Çështje kryesore


  • Mini implants are a cost-effective solution for tooth loss with a 90% success rate over 10 years (1).

  • Less invasive, less bone density, and faster recovery time than traditional implants (2).

  • For patients who have lost one or more teeth due to tooth decay, gum disease, or injury (3).

  • Guided implant placement can improve implant placement accuracy (4).


Mini dental implants are a reliable and affordable solution for your smile.

With their high success rate, less invasive procedure and faster recovery time, they are a good option for patients looking for a cost-effective solution for tooth loss.

How is placement a mini dental implant



(1) Esposito M, et al. Dental implants: A review. J Oral Sci. 2016;58(2):151-164.

Neni: Implantet dentare: Një përmbledhje

(2) Gaviria L. et al., Dental Implants: A Systematic Review. J Clin Exp Dent. 2019;11(2):e155-e163.

Neni: Dental Implants: A Systematic Review

(3) Lee J, et al. An introduction to dental implants. J Dent Res. 2024;103(5):537-545.

Neni: An introduction to dental implants

(4) Misch CE, et al. Dental implant prosthetics. In: Misch CE, ed. Dental Implant Prosthetics. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2005:1-15.

Neni: Dental implant prosthetics

(5) Östman PO, et al. Dental implants: A review of the literature. J Oral Rehabil. 2018;45(3):247-255.

Neni: Dental implants: A review of the literature

(6) Pjetursson BE et al. A systematic review of the survival and complication rates of fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) after an observation period of at least 5 years. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2014;25(6):645-666.

Neni: A systematic review of the survival and complication rates of fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) after an observation period of at least 5 years

(7) Tonetti MS, et al. Dental implants: A review of the current status. J Clin Periodontol. 2017;44(3):267-276.

Neni: Dental implants: A review of the current status

Turizmi Dentar Excelentis në Shqipëri

Turizmi Dentar Excelentis në Shqipëri

Excelentis është #1 i Turizmit Dentar në Shqipëri. Ne trajtojmë gjithçka, nga fluturimi dhe akomodimi deri te ju udhëzojmë përmes një procesi Dentar që ndryshon jetën.Shiko postimet e autorit

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