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Implante dentare të gjitha në 4 për harkun e sipërm

All-on-4 for Upper Arch is the solution for those with missing teeth, uncomfortable dentures, or the thought of extensive bone grafting.

If you want a permanent, cost-effective and minimally invasive way to fix your upper arch, you’re probably wondering: what’s All-on-4 and how will it transform your smile?

What’s All-on-4 for Upper Arch?

The All-on-4 upper arch restores a full set of teeth with only four titanium implants. This graftless procedure has a 98% success rate and can be done in a day, offering a permanent, natural-looking denture. It’s a cost-effective alternative to full-arch implants, with over 250,000 successful treatments worldwide

Përfitoni Përshkrimi
Zgjidhje e Përhershme Fixed denture that mimics natural teeth.
Quick Procedure Can be completed in one day.
Shkalla e lartë e suksesit Up to 98% success rate.
Graftless Reduces the need for bone grafting.
Me kosto efektive Less expensive compared to traditional full-arch implants.

All-on-4 for Upper Arch Benefits

Less Bone Grafting

All-on-4 implants require less bone grafting than traditional full-arch implants, which is a big advantage for patients with low bone density.

Traditional full-arch implants require extensive bone grafting, which can be painful and costly.

All-on-4 implants have a unique design that allows for immediate loading and minimizes grafting (1).

implants for upper arch

Quick Recovery and Immediate Function

One of the best benefits of All-on-4 implants is the quick recovery and immediate function.

Unlike traditional implants that require months of healing before loading, All-on-4 implants can be loaded immediately, and you can have your replacement teeth right away.

This is especially useful for those who need to get back to their daily activities quickly (2).

Cost Effective

All-on-4 implants are a cost-effective tooth replacement option compared to traditional full-arch implants.

By reducing the need for bone grafting and fewer implants required, patients can save a lot.

For example, a study comparing the cost of All-on-4 implants to traditional implants found that All-on-4 implants were 30% cheaper (3).

3D plan of all on 4 implants for upper arch

All-on-4 Single Arch Vs. Full Mouth: What’s the difference?

Number of Implants and Stress Distribution

Ka disa dallime ndërmjet all-on-4 single arch vs full mouth.

All-on-4 for a single arch uses four implants to distribute the stress across the jawbone, making it beneficial for patients who need to have their remaining teeth extracted due to decay.

In contrast, full-mouth implants require six to eight implants per arch.

The difference in the number of implants affects the stress distribution and can impact the longevity of the implants.

For example, a study found that the stress distribution in All-on-4 implants was more even than traditional full-arch implants, which can lead to a higher success rate (4).

Realistic all on 4 implants for upper arch


The cost of All-on-4 for a single arch is generally lower than full-mouth implants.

This is because of the fewer implants required and the simpler procedure.

For example, a systematic review found that the cost of All-on-4 implants can be 50% less than traditional full-arch implants, making them more affordable for many patients (5).

Suitable for Different Patients

All-on-4 for a single arch is suitable for many patients, including those with a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth and low bone density.

However, full-mouth implants may be more suitable for patients who need a full restoration of both upper and lower arches.

A prospective observational study found that All-on-4 implants are especially beneficial for patients with osteopenia or osteoporosis as it reduces the risk of implant failure (1).

Aspekti Gjithë-në-4 Single Arch Full Mouth
Numri i Implanteve 4 implants for single arch 6-8 implants per arch
Stress Distribution More evenly distributed Less evenly distributed
Kostoja Up to 50% less expensive More expensive
Përshtatshmëria Suitable for patients with limited bone density More appropriate for complete restoration of both arches

All-on-4 for Upper Arch Candidates

Suitable Candidates with Missing Teeth

Suitable candidates for All-on-4 for upper arch are those with significant tooth loss in the upper jaw, those who are not happy with their dentures, or those who are told they don’t have enough bone for traditional implants.

Understanding one’s oral health is crucial for determining suitability for All-on-4 implants.

A study on the effect of osteopenia and osteoporosis on dental implant failure found that patients with these conditions can still benefit from All-on-4 implants with a similar success rate as those without (1).

Special Cases

Special cases need to be considered for patients with certain medical conditions or smokers.

For example, a systematic review on dental implants and diabetes mellitus found that patients with diabetes may have a higher risk of implant failure due to compromised bone healing (5).

Smokers may need to quit smoking before the procedure to ensure optimal healing and success.

How are all on 4 implants placed?

All-on-4 for Upper Arch

Pre-Surgical Planning

Pre-surgical planning is an important step in the All-on-4 procedure for the upper arch.

This involves a thorough examination of the patient’s jawbone and teeth and the creation of a detailed treatment plan.

A study on the accuracy of computer guided implant surgery found that the use of 3D imaging and CAD software improved the accuracy of implant placement (5).


The surgical procedure for All-on-4 implants involves placing four titanium implants in the upper or lower arch.

This is done under local anesthesia and can be done in one day.

A systematic review on the influence of exposing dental implants into the sinus cavity found that the risk of complications can be minimized with proper surgical technique and planning (3).

3D plan of all on 4 upper arch

Post-Surgical Care and Follow-up for Replacement Teeth

Post-surgical care and follow-up are crucial for the success of All-on-4.

Patients are advised to follow a soft food diet for several weeks after the procedure and to attend regular follow-up appointments with their dentist.

A prospective observational study on the accuracy of computer-guided implant surgery found that patients who followed a strict post-surgical care regimen had a higher success rate than those who didn’t (6).

The appearance of all on 4 implants

Përfundim & Çështje kryesore


  • High Success Rate: 98% (1)

  • Cost Effective: Less expensive than full arch implants

  • -Quick: One day procedure

  • Graftless: No bone grafting needed

  • Permanent Alternative: Offers a permanent solution to removable dentures


All-on-4 for upper arch is a game changer for those looking for a permanent, cost-effective, and minimally invasive solution for their upper arch.

With its high success rate, quick procedure, and graftless design, it’s a good option for many.



(1) Maló P et al. The All-on-4 treatment concept for the rehabilitation of the completely edentulous mandible: A longitudinal study with 10 to 18 years of follow-up. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2019;21(4):565-577.Article: The All‐on‐4 treatment concept for the rehabilitation of the completely edentulous mandible: A longitudinal study with 10 to 18 years of follow‐up

(2) Taruna M et al. Prosthodontic perspective to all-on-4® concept for dental implants. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014;8(10):ZE16-ZE19.Article: Prosthodontic perspective to all-on-4® concept for dental implants

(3) Soto-Peñaloza D et al. The all-on-four treatment concept: Systematic review. J Clin Exp Dent. 2017;9(3):e474-e488.Article: The all-on-four treatment concept: Systematic review

(4) Patzelt SB et al. The all-on-four treatment concept: a systematic review. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2014;16(6):836-855.Article: The all-on-four treatment concept: a systematic review

(5) Tuminelli FJ et al. Immediate loading of zygomatic implants: A systematic review of implant survival, prosthesis survival and potential complications. Eur J Oral Implantol. 2017;10 Suppl 1:79-87.Article: Immediate loading of zygomatic implants: A systematic review of implant survival, prosthesis survival and potential complications

(6) Lopes A et al. Clinical and radiographic analysis of a 4-implant-supported fixed prosthesis in edentulous patients: 5-year follow-up. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2019;30(11):1126-1136.Article: Clinical and radiographic analysis of a 4‐implant‐supported fixed prosthesis in edentulous patients: 5‐year follow‐up

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