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Dental implants price in Albania

Only 450 €

Includes: Implant + Abutment + Crown

Timescale:1-3 days |   Guarantee:Lifetime

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ALV UjVrz HIB84vjUI7edz 4TRfog3EynSC4rBXpx MpjXRakz1fBI=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp mo ba2Massimo V.
15:26 25 Feb 25
ALV UjXYc5OWH2ynGifuNwelZ0oqOaoWY4 TMQIDI5d4ai 1DiWPhE4=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp momarco C.
16:41 29 Jan 25
I found myself well, welcome, punctuality, cleanliness, kindness and courtesyBrand new and fully equipped clinic, adjacent to the accommodation, very convenient as a solution.Thank you
ACg8ocKmerNskOEerEoNWfCR5TW9AUzUd6M5rfuilqTc hAR4Hsy0jw=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moVincenzo C.
18:51 18 Jan 25
Great team. The doctor is very competent and humane. He did an excellent job for me. Thanks for everything.
ACg8ocJRqyX3aFjq 82AELbhw2qdq83s4C8UNoG4KQAZ2kMN5UlwNw=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moNataly P.
17:48 18 Jan 25
I had a great time. They are very kind and patient. Even though I was very scared they were very professional. I can't wait to return to finish the treatment. Eros is a companion and a treasure, very attentive and helpful.
ALV UjUrPpGJI s50YqPJSO xCCfdkXdSqX8L 1 i5r30wahITeSnBvm=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moTina A.
17:35 18 Jan 25
Experience that exceeded our expectations, professionalism, hygiene and kindness are superA special thank you to Eros who was more than a companion, a friendDoctors who love their work first and foremost
ChIJ V87cRAxUBMR2sP TLJefkM 0b10939b7ae2a85a73cdcb1ac67e1da4Ferdi Turchetta (.
18:14 09 Jan 25
Unique experience, exceptional staff, availability, professionalism and competence at levels out of the ordinary, not to mention the telephone operators, always super helpful, the best of the team, Pio and Eros, Great, they deserve 1000 stars.
ChIJ V87cRAxUBMR2sP TLJefkM e29bee8e02837ac4a6cc719ff2db28fcLuca P.
21:53 07 Jan 25
Top try it to believe it
ChIJ V87cRAxUBMR2sP TLJefkM e5201120a28277464a3feb633b60d5a2Mariana R.
20:22 19 Dec 24
I have had health complications that have caused me serious problems with my teeth for years, requiring corrective surgery. Finding a reliable dental clinic in Albania was a real challenge, but Excelentis has changed everything. The dental treatments were of the highest standard and the affordable prices allowed me to face the treatments without worries. I am extremely satisfied with the results: my teeth are finally healthy and the clean and safe environment made me feel at ease throughout the process. Special thanks to the doctors and all the staff for their professionalism, attention and constant care.
ChIJ V87cRAxUBMR2sP TLJefkM da46bd9ee64f28fd2cf782bd7c6583e0Maria Ausiliatrice B.
20:53 18 Dec 24
Excellent team of very competent and reliable doctors and a very present personal assistant! Thanks Eros you are greatI am super satisfied with the work and the post-operative staff are always available if you have any questions or doubts. THANK YOU so much to all the dentists and assistants
ChIJ V87cRAxUBMR2sP TLJefkM bd04e1f68e7aa30ee641ab9ad3bf8282Sofi X.
12:02 18 Dec 24
I needed dental implants in Albania, and Excelentis was recommended to me by a friend. The fuss-free approach to my treatment was a breath of fresh air. The affordable prices and the high-quality materials used ensured a long-lasting result. I am very satisfied and I recommend it to everyone.
ALV UjVt6CkR1HKgetzqZLwjpmbdFmc5zgUYenq2Km6MTQmfRosUfeMBEQ=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp monelidjon H.
13:07 12 Dec 24
Best clinic in Tirana.I absolutely loved my experience there.Very welcoming staff and amazing work done.
ACg8ocKqTgQY5 iMMelMbAfxpSxpnpdu1 2kDU7hVJ D kcX4DF5KQ=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moMirela S.
16:04 20 qershor 24
Faleminderit Krista për të gjithë informacionin e dhënë. Eros ndihmësi, shofer shumë i mirë. Ina dhe Arnold janë dentistë profesionistë. Bora është pronare e klinikës, njerëz shumë të mirë
ALV UjUE0IaNfPIiO6OL9e9TyHJ3N7Q3WBuyG0X pDwbmHEg0KTUpNqz=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moDritan K.
17:43 19 24 qershor
Faleminderit të gjithëve për shërbimin. Erosi për transportin dhe për këshillat, Silvi për të gjitha informacionet që më dha para se të vija, doktoresha Ina për profesionin që ka dhe Bora për kafen super speciale që bën. Ju faleminderit të gjithëve. Unë do t'ju sugjeroj ju dhe të tjerët të vijnë tek ju.
ACg8ocIX5GldlPQbW194wdHlP8ZErZBznLf 82ZHTdC O8Qma1HWeQ=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moLuca R.
13:54 18 qershor 24
Vajza e agjencisë Ermela është shumë profesionale dhe e përgatitur. Asistenti që erdhi të na merrte në aeroport dhe na shoqëroi gjatë ditëve që ishim në Tiranë, legjendari gjysmë shqiptar e gjysmë kalabrezi, tepër i mirë. Klinika është shumë e bukur, krejt e re, e pajisur me aparatura të gjeneratës së fundit dhe mjekë profesionistë
ACg8ocKjlaP7sYY2LjjXYAxQy5NFFtiGzhtqov7drU2v RdF35OUjA=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moMassimo G.
11:51 18 qershor 24
Faleminderit të gjithëve për gjithçka, faleminderit Evisa për mbështetjen që më dhatë, falë asistentit Eros, profesionalizmin e të cilit e gjeta të shkëlqyeshëm duke përfshirë aftësitë e tij të shkëlqyera të drejtimit, falë klinikës duke filluar nga vajzat në hyrje të Borës, pronarit dhe Arnoldi i mrekullueshëm. Jeni fantastike. Unë do t'ua rekomandoj klinikën tuaj shumë njerëzve të tjerë!
ACg8ocKSDe nj1XnKsJUSN6QQENvcBe2zWXRolI5 MCuWjxkTKOV1w=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moleonel P.
13:05 17 24 qershor
Klinikë e shkëlqyer, staf super miqësor dhe ndihmues, veçanërisht Erosi me ndihmën e tij profesionale!
ALV UjX 1VrwigldUBZjui8TAw27Q2k2N5EgaG opU18jBdkT9CM6XF0=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moXhoel S.
12:44 17 24 qershor
Është një klinikë shumë e mirë. Unë me të vërtetë do të sugjeroja që të gjithë të shkonin atje. Dr. Arnold është shumë i mirë në punën e tij dhe Cristina dhe Eros janë asistentët më të mirë.
ALV UjXyJGGzb7sq0Ns YMvbRhk5dtPsjGIp4IJcHI4D5Mxqxj Z 2lO=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moAnxhelina K.
21:31 08 24 qershor
Klinikë shumë e mirë 10/10. Stafi dhe ambienti janë shumë miqësorë, sidomos shoferi Eros, i cili ishte shumë i dobishëm në çdo gjë dhe gjatë rrugës mund të ndiheshe shumë rehat dhe pa stres.🙂
ALV UjVeCFZwR RGpKZBf4TD 3Ze1C 2J8lTZ45MVT3rYAfWBETva8I=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moFrancesco R.
20:59 08 24 qershor
Kohët e fundit kam vizituar Klinikën Dentare Exelentis dhe kam pasur një përvojë të jashtëzakonshme. I shquari ishte Erosi, shoferi, i cili ishte tepër profesionist dhe i sjellshëm. Ai e bëri udhëtimin për në dhe nga klinikë të qetë dhe pa stres. Rekomandojmë shumë Klinikën Dentare Exelentis për shërbimin e tyre të jashtëzakonshëm dhe stafin e shkëlqyer!
ACg8ocJ4RlWCJk9VuifzyLgQvRzyTY3mzrf3CG7Lq4GgY9Tomm npQ=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moreina M.
18:13 22 24 maj
Klinikë shumë e mirë. Mjeku është shumë profesionist. Stafi ishte shumë miqësor, veçanërisht shoferi që më ndihmoi me gjithçka

How much do dental implants cost in Albania - 2025

The starting price of dental implants in Albania ranges from €400 to €650 per implant. The average starting price across Albania is €525 per implant. Costs vary significantly depending on the clinic and location, with some clinics in Tirana offering higher price ranges, such as €600 to €650 per implant.

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Costs by City & Clinic (2025 price table)

The table below reflects the starting prices for dental implants in various clinics across Albania. Here are key points about the price range:

  • Fundi i ulët: Clinics like Smile Provider in Tirana offer dental implants starting from €400, providing an affordable entry point for patients.
  • Gama e mesme: Clinics such as Trio Dental Center in Tirana and Class Dent in Durres offer prices ranging from €450 to €600, offering a balance between affordability and quality.

Fundi i Lartë: Clinics like Gaia Clinic in Tirana have starting prices at €650, indicating higher-end services and possibly more advanced technologies or materials.

Qyteti Klinika Çmimi (duke filluar nga)
Tirana Excelentis €450
Tirana AlbMedTour €350
Tirana Gremi Clinic €360
Tirana Emerald Dental €400
Tirana Dental Trio €400-800
Tirana Balikci Dental €495
Tirana Oxa Clinic €500
Shqipëria Çmimi mesatar fillestar €525

Cost of dental implants in Albania

    • Itali: 850-1500 €
    • Spanja: 750-1500 €
    • Francë: 655-1500 €
    • Belgjika: 750-820 €
    • Gjermani: 920-1200 €
    • Qipro: 635-910 €
    • Greqia: 699-910 €
    • Irlandë: 990-1060 €
    • Mbretëria e Bashkuar: 1850-3000 £
    • Shtetet e Bashkuara: 3000-6000$
  • Shqipëri: 400-650 €


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Dental Implants Steps

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Dental Implant Packed Offer

For Estimates over 4000 Euro

Tabela e Implanteve Dentare
Dental implants brand Kostoja
Megan 350 euro
Hiossen 400 euro
Dio Implants 500 euro
Straumium 800 euro

Frequently asked questions

Sa kohë zgjat një procedurë e implantit dentar në Shqipëri?

The procedure itself typically takes a few hours, but the entire process, including preparation and recovery, may span several days to a week, depending on the complexity of the case.

Yes, dental implants in Albania are performed by highly qualified and experienced dentists who use the latest techniques and materials to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Yes, many clinics in Albania offer comprehensive dental services, allowing you to combine multiple treatments during your visit, which can be more cost-effective and convenient.

The recommended stay in Albania after the procedure can vary, but typically, patients are advised to stay for at least 7-10 days to ensure proper healing and to attend any necessary follow-up appointments.

Dental implant coverage depends on the insurance provider and policy. Basic plans typically don’t cover implants as they’re considered elective, but comprehensive policies might offer partial or full coverage. If not covered, Albania offers high-quality dental care at up to 70% less than in other countries, helping you save significantly.

Dental Center Location

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For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at +355 69 272 0614 or complete the form.

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