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Quanto durano gli impianti dentali All-on-6?

All-on-6 dental implants are a permanent solution for full-arch tooth replacement that can last 20-30 years with proper care.

If you’re considering this big investment in your mouth, you need to know how long they last and what maintenance is required to make an informed decision for all-on-6 implants procedure.

Quanto durano gli impianti dentali All-on-6?

All-on-6 dental implants last 20-30 years with proper care. The titanium implants themselves can last a lifetime if properly integrated into the jawbone, but the prosthetic teeth may need to be replaced after 10-15 years due to wear and tear. The success rate is highest when patients brush and floss strictly and go to regular dental check-ups.

Componente Durata di vita prevista Tasso di successo
Impianti in titanio 20-30 years 98% over 10 years
Prosthetic Teeth 10-15 years 95% at 5 years

Factors Affecting All-on-6 Longevity

Igiene orale e manutenzione

Proper oral hygiene is key to implant success, studies show that strict care can achieve up to 98% success rate(3).

Regular professional cleanings and check-ups are necessary to monitor implant health and prevent complications(2).

Poor oral hygiene can cause peri-implant mucositis, an inflammatory condition around the soft tissues of the dental implant(4).

If left untreated it can progress to peri-implantitis and cause bone loss around the implant(3)

How long do all on 6 dental implants last?

Salute e stile di vita del paziente

Smoking can increase the risk of implant failure by restricting blood flow and slowing down healing(2).

Patients with diabetes or compromised immune systems may have longer healing times and more complications(6).

Regular exercise can reduce the risk of gum disease by 50% which is important for implant longevity(3).

Stress management is key as excessive stress can affect both oral health and implant success(3).

Tutti su 6 impianti dentali

Quality of Materials Used

Titanium is the gold standard because of its strength, durability and biocompatibility(4).

Modern implants use titanium alloys with trace elements of iron, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen for added strength(3).

Some patients may choose zirconium implants which are biocompatible but more prone to fracture than titanium

The prosthetic components are made of high grade materials that can withstand normal biting forces and look aesthetic.

Tutti su 6 impianti dentali

How to Make Your All-on-6 Last Longer

Daily Care

A soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste is required to clean All-on-6 implants without scratching the prosthetic surfaces(2).

Specialized interdental brushes help to reach areas around the implants that a regular toothbrush can’t(4)

Daily use of antimicrobial mouthwash is especially important during the healing period and for patients at high risk of gum disease(5)

Manutenzione professionale

Dental check-ups and professional cleanings every 3-6 months to monitor implant health and catch any complications early.

Annual X-rays are necessary to check the bone health around the implants and catch any bone loss before it becomes serious.


A balanced diet with calcium and vitamin D is important for strong bone around the implants(1).

Hydration is key to proper saliva production which helps to neutralize acid and bacteria that can harm the implant.

Avoid hard foods and excessive caffeine to reduce stress on the implant and maintain hydration levels.

Smiling with her new all on 6

When to See Your All-on-6

Wear Patterns

Studies show that prosthetic components can show wear after 5-7 years of use(1).

Changes in bite or difficulty chewing means prosthetic wear needs professional assessment(3).

Visible discoloration or staining of the prosthetic teeth means material degradation.

Regular monitoring can catch microscopic wear patterns before they become big issues(4).

When to Call Us

Get immediate professional attention if you experience any unusual movement or looseness in the prosthetic.

Early intervention in minor complications can prevent up to 95% of major implant problems(2).

Discomfort or inflammation around the implant sites needs to be checked to prevent bone loss.

Any clicking sounds or changes in how your teeth fit together should be seen by a dentist(3).

Bleeding during cleaning or persistent bad breath means complications are developing and needs professional assessment(4).

Warning Sign Urgency Level Recommended Action
Bleeding during cleaning or persistent bad breath Moderato Schedule professional evaluation within 1-2 weeks[4]
Unusual movement or looseness in prosthetic Alto Immediate professional attention required[6]
Increased probing depth beyond 3.27mm Moderato Professional examination within 1 week[5]
Pain or inflammation around implant sites Alto Seek immediate dental care[4]
Clicking sounds during chewing Moderato Schedule evaluation within 1-2 weeks[6]

All-on-6 Long-term

Longevity Benefits

All-on-6 implants is very durable with a success rate of 98%(6).

The titanium posts act as tooth roots and reinforces the surrounding bone to prevent bone loss(2).

Placed in areas of maximum bone density so no bone grafting is required(4).

Cost Over Time

Initial cost is between €25,000 to €35,000 per jaw but All-on-6 is cheaper than individual implants which cost €2,000-3,800 each(2)(6).

Many clinics offer flexible payment terms including interest-free for 12-24 months(1).

Long term value is increased by eliminating the recurring cost of denture replacements and maintenance products(3).

All-on-6 implants is very cost effective as they can last 20-30 years with proper maintenance(5).

Tipo di trattamento Costo iniziale (per arco) 10-Year Maintenance Costs Durata di vita prevista
Impianti All-on-6 €25,000 – €35,000[7] €3,700 (cleanings and repairs)[5] 20-30 years[1]
Impianti All-on-4 €20,000 – €25,000[3] €7,450 (removal cleanings and repairs)[5] 15-20 years[4]
Protesi tradizionali €4,000[5] €8,740 (relines, repairs, adhesives)[5] 7-10 years[5]
Individual Implants €65,000 – €75,000 (full mouth)[9] €2,500 (standard cleanings)[5] 25+ years[4]

Conclusioni e risultati chiave

All-on-6 implants is long lasting when maintained properly, 95% success rate over 10 years(4).

Proper care, daily maintenance and healthy lifestyle affects implant longevity.

Early intervention can prevent most major problems and extend the life of your investment.

Durability, functionality and cost effectiveness makes All-on-6 a long term solution for full arch replacement.



(1) French D, et al. Long term clinical performance of 10,871 dental implants with up to 22 years of follow-up: A cohort study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2021;23(2):236-243.

Article: Long term clinical performance of 10 871 dental implants with up to 22 years of follow-up

(2) Jung RE, et al. Group 1 ITI Consensus Report: The influence of implant length and design and medications on clinical and patient-reported outcomes. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2018;29(16):69-77.

Article: Group 1 ITI Consensus Report

(3) Papaspyridakos P, et al. Success Criteria in Implant Dentistry: A Systematic Review. J Dent Res. 2018;97(5):567-576.

Article: Success Criteria in Implant Dentistry: A Systematic Review

(4) Howe MS, et al. Long-term (10-year) dental implant survival: A systematic review and sensitivity meta-analysis. J Dent. 2019;84:9-21.

Article: Long-term (10-year) dental implant survival: A systematic review and sensitivity meta-analysis

(5) Elani HW, et al. Trends in Dental Implant Use in the U.S., 1999-2016, and Projections to 2026. J Dent Res. 2018;97(13):1424-1430.

Article: Trends in Dental Implant Use in the U.S., 1999-2016, and Projections to 2026

(6) Lemos CAA, et al. Short dental implants versus standard dental implants placed in the posterior jaws: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Dent. 2016;47:8-17.

Article: Short dental implants versus standard dental implants placed in the posterior jaws

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