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All-on-8 in Germany vs Abroad: Price & Quality | 2025

All-on-8 dental implants in Germany offer a comprehensive solution for full-arch restoration, but many patients worry about the cost.

How much does this advanced treatment really cost in Germany, and are there more affordable alternatives?

How Much Does All-on-8 Cost in Germany?

The starting price of All-on-8 dental implants in Germany ranges from €6,500 up to €15,400 per arch. The average starting price across Germany is €10,654 per arch. Costs vary significantly depending on the clinic’s location and expertise. Some clinics offer higher price ranges, such as €12,500 to €15,400 in Berlin and Hamburg. Factors affecting cost include materials used, additional procedures required, and the dentist’s experience.

All-on-8 prices in Germany

Costi per città e clinica (calendario 2024)

The table below reflects the starting prices for the All-on-8 dental implant treatment across various cities and clinics in Germany.

  • Il prezzo di partenza più basso for All-on-8 treatment is €5,000, found at Turkeyana Clinic.
  • Il prezzo di partenza di fascia media is around €8,500, which is offered by MHH Hannover.
  • Il prezzo di partenza più alto reaches up to €15,400 at Universitätsklinikum Hamburg.

This pricing information provides a comprehensive overview of the costs associated with All-on-8 treatments in Germany. It is essential to consider that these prices may vary based on individual treatment plans and specific clinic offerings.

Tabella dei prezzi:

Città Clinica Prezzo (ab)
Monaco di Baviera Isar Klinikum 6500€
Monaco di Baviera Ospedale Helios 6500€
Berlino Meoclinic 7000€
Hannover MHH Hannover 8500€
Darmstadt Clinica Praxis Jadore 8940€
Paese Durchschnittlicher Startpreis 7488.00€

Cost of All-on-8 in Germany VS Abroad

Listino prezzi dei paesi prezzo medio.

  • Italia: Prezzo medio di partenza di 10.133,33 euro per gli impianti dentali All-on-8
  • Spagna: Impianti dentali All-on-8 in media 9.800 euro
  • Francia: I costi del trattamento sono in media di 11.200 euro.
  • Belgium: Prices average €10,900 for All-on-8 procedures.
  • Germania: Premium pricing at €12,500 on average.
  • Cipro: Più accessibile con una media di 8.900 euro.
  • Grecia: Prezzi competitivi con una media di 9.200 euro.
  • Irlanda: Prezzi di fascia alta con una media di 11.800 euro.
  • Regno Unito: Tariffe premium a 11.500 sterline (circa 13.400 euro).
  • Stati Uniti: L'opzione più costosa è $16.000 (circa 14.700 euro).
  • Albania: Il più conveniente a 4.500 euro, mantenendo gli standard europei.
All-on-8 prices in different countires

Il turismo dentale in Albania è la migliore alternativa. 

You can save up to 70% on All-on-8 dental implants in Albania while receiving the same premium quality materials and treatment as in Germany. This makes Albania an excellent choice for those seeking affordable yet professional dental care.

Fattori che incidono sul costo dell'All-on-8

  • Sede della clinica: Prices vary significantly between cities in Germany, with München offering lower starting prices compared to Hamburg.
  • Competenza del dentista: More experienced implantologists may charge higher fees for their specialized skills.
  • Qualità dei materiali: Premium implant brands and high-grade prosthetics can increase the overall cost.
  • Complessità del caso: Patients requiring additional procedures like bone grafting may face higher expenses.
  • Numero di impianti: While All-on-8 typically uses eight implants, some cases might require more, affecting the final price.
  • Tipo di protesi: The material and design of the final teeth (e.g., acrylic vs zirconia) can impact the cost substantially.

Lower taxes and reduced operational costs in Albania contribute to more affordable All-on-8 treatments without compromising on quality.

Ripartizione dei costi per All-on-8 + procedure aggiuntive

All-on-8 dental implant treatment often involves additional costs beyond the basic procedure.

  • Consultazione iniziale e imaging 3D: €200-€500
  • Estrazioni dei denti (se necessario): €100-€300 per tooth
  • Innesto osseo (se necessario): €500-€3000
  • Protesi temporanee: €1000-€2000
  • Chirurgia implantare All-on-8: €6500-€15400
  • Protesi finale: €3000-€5000
  • Assistenza post-operatoria e follow-up: €500-€1000

These costs can vary depending on the complexity of your case and the specific clinic you choose.

Remember, while initial prices may seem high, investing in quality treatment can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for future dental work.

Does insurance cover All-on-8 in Germany?

In Germany, public health insurance typically doesn’t cover All-on-8 dental implants as they’re considered a premium treatment option. Private insurance may offer partial coverage, but this varies greatly between providers and individual policies.

If you lack insurance coverage for this treatment in Germany, consider exploring options in Albania. Excelentis can help you save up to 70% on dental treatments in Albania, offering the same premium quality of treatment and materials as Germany.

Conclusioni e risultati principali

The cost of All-on-8 dental implants can be quite expensive in Germany.

Tuttavia, scegliendo l'Albania per le vostre cure dentistiche, potete risparmiare fino a 70% sulle procedure dentistiche di prima qualità.

Albania offers the same high-quality treatment and materials as Germany, making it an attractive option for those seeking affordable yet professional dental care.


Turismo dentale Excelentis in Albania

Turismo dentale Excelentis in Albania

Excelentis è il #1 del turismo dentale in Albania. Ci occupiamo di tutto, dal volo all'alloggio, fino a guidarvi in un processo odontoiatrico che vi cambierà la vita.Visualizza i post dell'autore

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