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Τιμή All on 4 στην Ελλάδα | (Τιμοκατάλογος - 2025) vs Εξωτερικό

All on 4 can be a game changer for those with tooth loss, but the cost uncertainty can be overwhelming – how much will it really cost in Greece?

How Much is All on 4 in Greece?

The starting price of All on 4 in Greece is from 8500€ to 11500€ per arch. The average starting price in Greece is 9699.9€ per arch. Prices vary a lot depending on the dental clinic and location, with higher prices in Athens.

All on 4 price in Greece

Τιμές ανά πόλη και κλινική (τιμοκατάλογος 2024)

The cost of All on 4 dental implants in Greece varies a lot depending on the clinic and location. Here are some key points:

  • Low End: Thessaloniki Cosmetic Institute and Palladion Rehabilitation Clinic start at 8500€, more affordable option for patients6.

  • Μέση περιοχή: Athens Central Clinic and Hygeia Hospital start at 9000€ and 9400€ respectively, balance of cost and quality6.

  • High End: Seneca Athens and New Life Clinic start at 10500€ and 11500€ respectively, for those who want premium6.

Prices are starting points and may vary depending on your case and other cosmetic treatments. Contact a dentist to get a quote.

Πόλη Κλινική Τιμή (ξεκινώντας από)
Θεσσαλονίκη Ινστιτούτο Αισθητικής Θεσσαλονίκης 8500€
Τρίπολη Κλινική αποκατάστασης Palladion 8500-9500€
Αθήνα Κεντρική Κλινική Αθηνών 9000€
Μαρούσι Νοσοκομείο Hygeia 9400€
Αθήνα Κλινική Therapis 9800€
Αθήνα IMS IVF 9900€
Πειραιάς Ιπποκράτειος Κλινική Αθήνα 9999€
Αθήνα Seneca Αθήνα 10500€
Καλαμαριά Κλινική Νέας Ζωής 11500€
Ελλάδα Μέση τιμή εκκίνησης 9699.9€

All on 4 in Greece VS Abroad

Prices per country average.

  • Ιταλία: 7500-11500€

  • Spain: 9245.45€ (as above)

  • Γαλλία: 6500-14500€

  • Βέλγιο: 7000-17000€

  • Γερμανία: 6500-21800€

  • Κύπρος: 6500-17500€

  • Ελλάδα: 8500-11500€

  • Ιρλανδία: 9500-14000€

  • Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο: 8995-30000€

  • Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες: 10000-40000€

  • Αλβανία: 2900-4200€

Greece is cheaper than Western European countries but more expensive than Albania.

Price difference in different countries about all-on-4 procedure

Dental Tourism in Albania is the way to go.

By choosing Albania for your All on 4 dental implants you can save up to 70% compared to Greece without compromising on the materials and dental treatment.

The big difference in price makes Albania an attractive option for dental tourism.

Same premium quality treatment and materials used in Greece for a fraction of the price.

What affects the cost of All on 4

The All on 4 dental implants cost can be affected by:

  • Τοποθεσία κλινικής: Clinics in big cities like Athens are more expensive than in smaller cities like Thessaloniki.

  • Dentist’s expertise: More experienced dentists charge more for their dental services.

  • Materials: type and quality of dental implant placement and prosthetics used.

  • Additional dental procedures: Some patients may need additional procedures like bone grafting, extractions, or temporary dentures, which add to the total cost.

  • Technology and Equipment: Dental clinics with advanced technology and equipment charge more.

Lower taxes and operational costs in countries like Albania make it more affordable for patients.

Όλα στα 4 + Πρόσθετες διαδικασίες Κατανομή κόστους

The cost of All on 4 dental implants can include several extra costs beyond the initial procedure. Here are some extra costs to consider:

  • Αρχική διαβούλευση: 100€ – 300€

  • Diagnostics (e.g. CT scans, X-rays): 200€ – 500€

  • Extractions: 50€ – 200€ per tooth

  • Μεταμόσχευση οστού: 500€ – 2000€

  • Προσωρινή οδοντοστοιχία: 500€ – 1000€

  • Τελική προσθετική: 2000€ – 5000€

  • Ραντεβού παρακολούθησης: 100€ – 300€

  • Any necessary adjustments or repairs: 100€ – 500€

These extra costs can vary depending on the clinic and patient’s needs.

It’s best to get a detailed breakdown of all costs when you consult with a dentist.

Is All on 4 covered by insurance in Greece?

In Greece insurance coverage for All on 4 dental implants can vary depending on the insurance plan and provider.

Basic insurance plans don’t usually cover the full cost of the procedure and some only cover part of it.

If you don’t have insurance or this treatment is not covered by insurance in your country we can help you save up to 70% in dental treatments in Albania for the same premium quality of treatment and materials that Greece offers.

By choosing Albania you can have affordable dental care without compromising on quality.

Συμπέρασμα & βασικά συμπεράσματα

All on 4 in Greece can be expensive 8500€ – 11500€.

But by choosing Albania you can save up to 70% in premium dental treatments for the same quality of treatment and materials that Greece offers.

Big difference in price makes Albania an attractive option for dental tourism, so you can have affordable dental care without compromising on quality.


Excelentis Οδοντιατρικός Τουρισμός στην Αλβανία

Excelentis Οδοντιατρικός Τουρισμός στην Αλβανία

Η Excelentis είναι το #1 του οδοντιατρικού τουρισμού στην Αλβανία. Αναλαμβάνουμε τα πάντα, από την πτήση και τη διαμονή μέχρι την καθοδήγησή σας σε μια Οδοντιατρική διαδικασία που αλλάζει τη ζωή σας.Προβολή αναρτήσεων Συγγραφέα

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