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All-on-4 στη Γαλλία εναντίον του εξωτερικού: 2025

All-on-4 dental implant treatment can be a life-changing solution for those struggling with missing teeth, but the uncertainty surrounding its cost in France can be overwhelming.

How much does All on 4 really cost in France, and what factors influence the final price?

How much does All on 4 cost in France?

All on 4 dental implants in France starts from €6500 to €25500 per arch. The average price across France is €9400 per arch. Prices vary greatly depending on location, Paris and Nice being the most expensive, with prices ranging from €12500-€25500.

All on 4 prices in France

Prices by City & Clinic (2024 Price list)

Below is the starting price for All on 4 dental services in different cities and clinics in France.

  • Low-end: The starting price for All on 4 quality treatment in cities like Clermont-Ferrand, Vincennes, and Lyon is around €6500, offered by clinics such as Clinique Esthétique Clermond, Chirurgie Esthétique Vincennes, and Clinique du Parc.

  • Mid-range: Clinics like Victor Hugo Clinic in Paris and Cabinet Esthétique Lyon offer the treatment at a starting price of around €7200-€8400.

  • High-end: The highest starting prices for All on 4 treatment can be found in cities like Biarritz, Bordeaux, and Nice, with prices ranging from €12500 to €25500, offered by clinics such as Pistre Medical Center, Azencot Medical Center, and Mozart Clinique.

Ville Clinique Prix (à partir de)
Clermont-Ferrand Κλινική Esthétique Clermond 6500€
Vincennes Chirurgie Esthétique Vincennes 6500€
Παρίσι Chirurgie Esthétique Sechaud 6500€
Λυών Clinique du Parc 6500€
Νάντη Centre Esthétique Nantes 6500€
Στρασβούργο Chirurgie Esthétique Στρασβούργο 6500€
Λυών Cabinet Esthétique Lyon 7200€
Παρίσι Κλινική Victor Hugo 8400€
Marcq-en-Barœul Chirurgie Esthétique Clemenceau 11500€
Neuilly-sur-Seine Αμερικανικό νοσοκομείο Παρίσι 12500€
Biarritz Ιατρικό κέντρο Pistre 12500-25500€
Μπορντό Ιατρικό κέντρο Azencot 12500€
Ωραίο Κλινική Mozart 13500€
Στρασβούργο Οδοντιατρικό κέντρο Στρασβούργο 13800-22500€
Ωραίο Clinique SG Νίκαια 14500€
Γαλλία Prix de départ moyen 9400€

Cost of All on 4 in France VS Abroad

Τιμοκατάλογος χωρών μέση τιμή.

Here’s a comparison of the average prices for All on 4 treatment in various countries:

  • Ιταλία: 7500-11500€
  • Ισπανία: 9245.45€
  • Γαλλία: 6500-14500€
  • Βέλγιο: 7000-17000€
  • Γερμανία: 6500-21800€
  • Κύπρος: 6500-17500€
  • Ελλάδα: 8500-11500€
  • Ιρλανδία: 9500-14000€
  • Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο: 8995-30000€
  • Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες: 10000-40000€
  • Αλβανία: 2900-4200€

France has a relatively high average price for All on 4 treatment compared to other European countries , making it essential to consider alternative options dental implants abroad.

The difference in price about all on 4 implants, in different countries.

Ο οδοντιατρικός τουρισμός στην Αλβανία είναι η καλύτερη εναλλακτική λύση.

By choosing Albania for your All on 4 treatment, you can save up to 70% on a premium-quality dental clinic, using the same materials and techniques as in France.

This significant cost reduction makes Albania an attractive option for those seeking affordable dental treatments without compromising on quality.

Factors That Affect the Cost  of All on 4

The cost of All on 4 treatment can vary significantly depending on several factors, including:

  • Τοποθεσία: Clinics in major cities like Paris tend to be more expensive than those in smaller towns.
  • Εμπειρογνωμοσύνη του οδοντιάτρου: Οι πιο έμπειροι οδοντίατροι μπορεί να χρεώνουν υψηλότερες αμοιβές για τις υπηρεσίες τους.
  • Χρησιμοποιούμενα υλικά: High-quality materials, such as titanium implants, can increase the overall cost.
  • Πολυπλοκότητα της διαδικασίας: Cases requiring additional procedures, such as jaw bone grafting, can be more expensive.
  • Clinic’s reputation: Reputable clinics with state-of-the-art facilities may charge higher prices.

Lower taxes and operational costs in countries like Albania make it possible to offer premium-quality dental care at significantly lower prices.

Κατανομή κόστους για όλα τα 4 + πρόσθετες διαδικασίες

When considering the final cost of All on 4 treatment, it’s essential to factor in the ‘hidden costs’ involved, such as additional procedures or services that may be required.

Here’s a breakdown of the costs for All on 4 treatment and potential additional procedures:

  • Initial consultation: €100-€300
  • Αξονική τομογραφία: €100-€300
  • Μεταμόσχευση οστού: €500-€2000
  • Ανύψωση ιγμορείου: €500-€2000
  • Τοποθέτηση εμφυτεύματος: €2000-€5000
  • Prosthetic teeth: €2000-€5000
  • Ραντεβού παρακολούθησης: €100-€300
  • Travel and accommodation costs: variable

Does insurance cover All on 4 in France?

In France, some dental insurance plans may cover a portion of the All on 4 treatment cost, but the extent of coverage varies depending on the insurance provider and policy.

If you don’t have insurance or your treatment is not covered, we can help you save up to 70% on premium quality dental clinics in Albania, using the same materials and techniques as in France.

By choosing Albania, you can access affordable dental treatment without compromising on quality.

Συμπέρασμα & βασικά συμπεράσματα

The cost of All on 4 treatment in France can be expensive, with prices ranging from €6500 to €25500.

However, by choosing Albania, you can save up to 70% on premium-quality dental care, using the same materials and techniques as in France.

This significant cost reduction makes Albania an attractive option for those seeking affordable dental implants without compromising on quality.


Excelentis Οδοντιατρικός Τουρισμός στην Αλβανία

Excelentis Οδοντιατρικός Τουρισμός στην Αλβανία

Η Excelentis είναι το #1 του οδοντιατρικού τουρισμού στην Αλβανία. Αναλαμβάνουμε τα πάντα, από την πτήση και τη διαμονή μέχρι την καθοδήγησή σας σε μια Οδοντιατρική διαδικασία που αλλάζει τη ζωή σας.Προβολή αναρτήσεων Συγγραφέα

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