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All-on-4-Zahnimplantate aus Porzellan

Looking for dental restoration options and worried about the invasiveness, cost, and effectiveness of traditional implants?

Porcelain All-on-4 may be the answer. This solution addresses your concerns about jawbone atrophy, long recovery times, and high costs with a less invasive and more affordable option.

What are Porcelain All-on-4 Implants?

Porcelain All-on-4 implants use four strategically placed implants to support a full-arch prosthesis, ideal for those with severe jawbone loss. This approach, pioneered by Paulo Malo, avoids bone grafting, provides immediate function, and offers high survival rates (94.4% maxilla, 96.7% mandible) over 3–17 years—an effective, affordable solution for improved aesthetics and chewing ability.

Nutzen Sie Beschreibung
Weniger invasiv Avoids complex bone grafting procedures
Unmittelbare Funktion Provides immediate loading and function
Hohe Erfolgsquoten Demonstrates long-term survival rates
Kostengünstig Offers a more affordable solution compared to traditional methods

How do Porcelain All-on-4 Implants work?

The All-on-4 Concept

The All-on-4 concept developed by Paulo Malo involves 4 implants to support a full arch prosthesis.

This is a less invasive and more affordable alternative to traditional implants.

The concept is based on immediate loading, which allows for immediate restoration and function, patient satisfaction and quality of life (1).

Porcelan all on 4 implants

Advantages of Porcelain in All-on-4

Porcelain All-on-4 has several advantages over other All-on-4 materials.

Porcelain is known for its durability and aesthetic, natural look and feel that will give patients satisfaction.

Porcelain superstructures have been shown to have similar clinical outcomes to ceramic superstructures in terms of survival rates and patient satisfaction.

A 6-year clinical study showed no significant difference in implant survival rates between acrylic and ceramic superstructures (4).

Benefits of Porcelain All-on-4 Implants

  • High Success Rates: 98.7% at 3 years and 98.2% at 5 years (1)

  • Unmittelbare Funktionsfähigkeit: Porcelain All-on-4 provides immediate restoration and function, patient satisfaction, and quality of life.

  • Cost Effective: Reduces overall treatment cost by no bone grafting and fewer implants.

How are porcelans all on 4 implant placement?

All-on-4 | Top 3 Materials & Which is Best

Porcelain: Durability and Aesthetic

Porcelain is a popular choice for All-on-4 because of its durability and aesthetic.

It provides a natural look and feel that will give patients satisfaction and quality of life.

A study comparing the clinical outcomes of implant-supported acrylic and ceramic superstructures found that ceramic superstructures had better aesthetics and durability than acrylic superstructures (4).

Zirconia: Strength and Versatility

Zirkoniumdioxid is another material used in All-on-4, known for its strength and versatility.

It has high mechanical strength and wear resistance, making it a reliable material for dental restoration.

A review article on the All-On-Four treatment concept emphasized the importance of material selection to achieve high success rates and patient satisfaction; zirconia is good in some cases (3).

Smiling with new all on 4 implants

Acrylic: Cost and Practicality

Acrylic is a cost-effective and practical option for All-on-4.

It is known for its ease of fabrication and affordability, making it a more affordable option for patients who want full smile restoration.

A 6-year clinical study on implant-supported acrylic vs. ceramic superstructures found that acrylic superstructures had similar clinical outcomes to ceramic superstructures in terms of survival rates and patient satisfaction.

Acrylic all on 4 implants

All-on-4 Material Selection

Considerations: Cost, Durability and Aesthetic

When choosing the material for your All-on-4, there are several factors to consider: cost, durability and aesthetic.

The cost of the material will affect the overall treatment cost; acrylic is more affordable than ceramic and zirconia.

But ceramic and zirconia have better durability and aesthetics, making them a better option for patient who wants long-lasting and visually appealing (4).

Ask a Professional: Key Points

Ask a professional to determine the best material for your All-on-4. Patient preference, aesthetic requirement and budget constraint should be considered.

A review article on the All-On-Four treatment concept emphasized the importance of material selection to achieve high success rates and patient satisfaction; thorough patient evaluation is necessary to achieve optimal result (3).

A real work of all on 4 implants

Schlussfolgerung & Key-Takeaways

Wichtige Erkenntnisse:

  • High Success Rates: All-on-4 has high success rates, 94.4% for maxilla and 96.7% for mandible over 3-17 years (1)

  • Unmittelbare Funktionsfähigkeit: Porcelain All-on-4 provides immediate restoration and function, patient satisfaction, and quality of life.

  • Cost Effective: Reduces overall treatment cost by no bone grafting and fewer implants.


Porcelain All-on-4 is a reliable, cost-effective, and efficient solution for full smile restoration.

With high success rates, immediate function, and cost-effectiveness, this is a good option for patients who want to regain their confidence and oral function.

All on 4 implants



Malo P. de Araujo Nobre M, Lopes A. The use of computer-guided flapless implant surgery and four implants placed in immediate function to support a fixed denture: preliminary results after a mean follow-up period of thirteen months. J Prosthet Dent. 2007;97(6 Suppl):S26-34. doi: 10.1016/S0022-3913(07)60005-1

Artikel: The use of computer-guided flapless implant surgery and four implants placed in immediate function to support a fixed denture: preliminary results after a mean follow-up period of thirteen months

  1. Babbush CA, Kanawati A, Brokloff J. A new approach to the All-on-Four treatment concept using narrow platform NobelActive implants. J Oral Implantol. 2013;39(3):314-25. doi: 10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-12-00223

Artikel: A new approach to the All-on-Four treatment concept using narrow platform NobelActive implants

  1. Taruna M, Chittaranjan B, Sudheer N, Tella S, Abusaad M. Prosthodontic Perspective to All-On-4 Concept for Dental Implants. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014;8(10):ZE16-9. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/9648.5020

Artikel: Prothetische Perspektive für das All-On-4-Konzept für Zahnimplantate

  1. Soyfer V. Review Article on the All-On-Four Treatment Concept in Dental Implants. Arch Surg Clin Res. 2023;7:019-023. doi: 10.29328/journal.ascr.1001070

Artikel: Übersichtsartikel über das All-On-Four-Behandlungskonzept bei Zahnimplantaten

  1. Lopes A, Malo P, de Araujo Nobre M, Sanchez-Fernandez E. The NobelGuide All-on-4 Treatment Concept for Rehabilitation of Edentulous Jaws: A Prospective Report on Medium- and Long-Term Outcomes. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2015;17 Suppl 2:e406-16. doi: 10.1111/cid.12260

Artikel: Das NobelGuide All-on-4-Behandlungskonzept zur Rehabilitation zahnloser Kiefer: Ein prospektiver Bericht über mittel- und langfristige Ergebnisse

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